Naval Power Systems, technology development, Ship Design and Construction

Technology Development and Fielding Expertise

Experienced with development and fielding of new technologies for warships and other heavy industries. 

  • Conducted original university research in the areas of: ship and complex system design, control and monitoring systems, finite inertia power systems and systems engineering while serving as Associate Professor of the Practice at MIT.
  • Developed Hybrid Electric Drive for Arleigh Burke class destroyers, with a predicted 5000 bbl/year fuel savings.  Awarded a $119M contract to retrofit this technology on 35 ships .
  • Developed zonal battery-based energy storage modules enabling new efficient operating modes to achieve ~ 6,400 barrels/ship/year fuel savings.  Initiated studies for development of multipurpose energy storage modules to provide for grid stability, transient mitigation and backup power .
  • Led a team of engineers in the development of the U.S. Navy’s Integrated Power System (IPS) Full Scale Advanced Development test program.  This $200M effort included designing, procuring and testing state of the art hardware and control software for advanced naval electric power and propulsion systems.  The success of this development program resulted in the selection of IPS to power the US Navy’s DDG-1000 destroyer as well as the Royal Navy’s Type 45 destroyers and Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers.
  • Developed state-of-the-art medium-voltage solid-state motor drives using for naval marine and oil & gas markets.
  •  Developed artificial intelligence based prognostics software to predict failures on rotating machines.
  • Led a team of engineers developing the U.S. Navy’s Standard Monitoring and Control System through shore-based development and operational testing.  SMCS was the first network-based software driven automatic machinery control system for USN ships. SMCS technology has since been implemented in six classes of US Navy ships (CG-47, LPD-17, DDG-51, DDG-1000, LCS-2 and CVN-77).